소아청소년 염증성장질환 환자의 삶의 질 조사: 다기관 연구

소아청소년 염증성장질환 환자의 삶의 질 조사: 다기관 연구

Quality of life in Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patient: a multicenter study

Release Date : 2017. 10. 27(금)
Seung Kim1, Yeoun Joo Lee2, Eell Ryoo3 , Hong Koh1
Yonsei Univeresity Severance Children's Hospital Department of Pediatrics1
Pusan National University Children's Hospital Department of Pediatrics2
Gachon University Gil Medical Center Department of Pediatrics3
김승1, 이연주2, 류일3 , 고홍1
연세의대 세브란스 어린이병원 소아청소년과1
부산대학교 어린이병원 소아청소년과2
가천대 길병원 소아청소년과3


Introduction and aims Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), including Crohn’s disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC), is a chronic relapsing disease which can negatively affect the quality of life (QoL) of the patient. IMPACT-III is the most commonly used validated questionnaire developed for determining the QoL of pediatric IBD patients. In this study, we searched out current status of the QoL in Korean pediatric IBD population in accordance with their clinical parameters to investigate the relationships between them. Material and Methods One hundred nine children and adolescent IBD patients followed at 3 different hospitals were enrolled to the study. Questionnaire including IMPACT-III were carried out at the outpatient clinic. Basic demographics, clinical data such as disease phenotype ( Paris classification), disease activity score, past history and current medications were collected from the medical records. Clinical factors affecting QoL were investigated. Results High Pediatric Crohn’s disease activity index ( PCDAI) was significantly associated with poor IMPACT-III score (R=-0.309, p=0.004). However, Pediatric Ulcerative colitis activity index ( PUCAI) did not correlate significantly with IMPACT-III score (R=-0.296, p=0.170). CD and UC did not show significant total IMPACT-III score differences (133.36±19.76 vs. 134.78±16.83), p=0.731). Disease phenotype according to Paris classification, past surgery history and current medications did not affect total IMPACT-III score significantly. According to the questionnaire, the most irritating problems that patients underwent were hospital visit and medical examinations (35%), food restriction (24%), IBD related symptoms (22%). About 73% of the patients felt that the disease did not affect their school performances whereas the disease negatively affected to their school performance in 20% of them, and positively affected in 7% of them. Conclusion As IBD is a lifelong disease, concerning about the health related quality of life is significant part of the management, especially for children and adolescents. Clinicians should consistently consider the QoL of the patients and try to improve it by ameliorating modifiable factors.

Keywords: inflammatory bowel disease, quality of life ,